Katana ... not just a wall hanger. A blade for a serious Martial artist in Austin, Texas For Sale
Price: $3,000
Type: Tickets & Traveling,
For Sale
- Private.
I have several katana I am willing to sell or trade . These are all high end hand made custom blades here in the US. each one retails for around $xxxx. I would sell for $xxxx per blade or barter for something of similar value.
These blade look incredible but they are intended to be used. Martial artist and practitioners of the Samurai arts.... these will hold up to your training. They will out preform all other Chinese imports swords
I also have a large collection of hand made high end custom knives.
Cash is king but I will also trade
I would trade for big boy toys ,gold, professional table saw, cnc router setup.
State: Texas City: Austin Category: Tickets & Traveling
Tickets & Traveling in Texas for sale
Tickets & Traveling in Texas for sale
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