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? Vocal Tuition/Singing Lessons ? in Austin, Texas For Sale

Price: $30
Type: Services, For Sale - Private.

I am a singer from Australia and I would love to help you be the singer you want to be. I have performed with numerous bands across the Sydney area as a lead and backing vocalist singing styles ranging from blues, jazz, pop, and rock. I am versatile and I have had vocal technique and vocal therapy training. I can help you sing to the best of your ability without damaging your voice.
I can help you...
-increase your range
-improve your pitch
-strengthen your voice
-improve your tone
-prevent vocal damage
-overcome performance anxiety
I have completed a Bachelor of Music in vocal performance at the Australian Institute of Music and I was working as a music teacher in Australia for a number of years. Furthermore, I completed my honours degree in psychology at the MARCS Institute (a Music Cognition Research Centre) and I was offered a PhD scholarship prior to moving to Austin. I am happy to provide evidence of my qualifications.
I look forward to hearing from you and hearing you sing!
Zoe ?? 9 zero 9 - 3I2 - 8 four 4 five ?

State: Texas  City: Austin  Category: Services
Services in Texas for sale

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