seek enlightened female would-be fulltime professional singer/musician in Austin, Texas For Sale
Are you living in reality? That means being aware of what is actually happening. And are you working on your own and others' "Positivity"?.
"You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
But don't mess with mister in-between"
Things ARE changing fast! And not JUST the weather! (though Climate Change will only make things worse & worse globally). Despite the refusal of masses of people to recognize it, we are once again in a serious Pre-War situation. Only THIS time it is clear to those few of us who are extremely aware, insightful and intelligent that the "enemy" is not totalitarian dictatorships per se, as in the xxxx's which led to worldwide destruction and murder .... but actually the very essence of so-called "Human Nature" > OURSELVES collectively ["I want it, I take it", "Me, Me" only].
There IS a way out, subtle and effective, And fun. And profitable in any way it can be measured ....
But to accomplish this, one must well know and truly understand the meaning of Enlightened Self-Interest! AND that Great Deeds inevitably require Great Sacrifice. That of course means personal sacrifice: "You get Nothing for Nothing" [ 0 = 0 ]
In other words, very few worthwhile things in life are actually easy [but can still be fun, sure!]. Most of the time if something seems very easy at first, one is probably looking at it the wrong way, or simply disregarding some essential part of it.
So, are you a good, unselfish and caring 22 - 30-smtg young woman who really wants to see things improve? Do you have, or want to have, the ability to affect a mega-lot of people in a positive way through great music and your singing? And how you act and think? Are you happy and content within yourself while being aware of the usually hidden, disregarded and compensated-for inner Angst of most other people? Are you also well aware of the fact that "Business as Usual" is about to destroy human civilization?
In the face of the coming "Winds of War" [Russia, USA, NATO, China, North Korea] and the very real ongoing and expanding global eco-disaster, it is actually possible to start really changing things. Unfortunately, as it was during WWII, it requires personal sacrifice and hard, difficult risk-taking and risk-overcoming work. But the rewards more than justify the effort, and since it involves making wonderful music and showing masses of people how to light up inside merely by exposing your own inner light, happiness and beauty for them to absorb as a brightly shining example . . .. the effort is really joyous fun for a true musician and performer [i.e., a good person who also understands Enlightened Self-Interest!].
We have a pile of excellent to great original material in many styles and musical genres, some of which is definitely likely to get to the top of the international charts with the right presentation [and you are of course welcome to add any of yours that might also work]. To remain FREE and not owned by typically selfish, short- or non-sighted & stupid managers and large labels, by starting as a kind of fulltime relatively low-paid "coverband" playing 5 - 7 nights/wk for months entertaining tourists of all ages at resort hotels, etc., we will use this paid opportunity to hone the band in our own fashion while further preparing and combining our collective original material for the real " big time". Having had extensive experience in both aspects [unknown coverbands AND working in famous bands and with famous artists AND having had an original self-made band signed with a major international label for some time], the process is not new or even slightly theoretical, rather just hard work using past hard-earned personal successes as models. It is called know-how! And with the "right" additional member/s [we still lack one more] will get us to open for major acts & bands and only then get re-signed with a major label as a proven commodity with real power to negotiate our own deal! As a start . . ..
It requires dedication to the final purpose and a love of wonderful music and of the true beauty of life. Not "human life" but ALL life. It also requires being able to leave the past behind [which every human will soon be forced to do if things don't change] and to cut yourself free of all restricting "attachments": why we need people who can leave you present location to be "on the road" traveling with no outside commitments [NO other job, school, bf, children, etc.]. For such a difficult success in any "new business" one must be married to the business!
This is a difficult and nearly impossible thing for most people to do, and especially so for most modern Millenials who do not yet know the true meaning of the coming hard times including total global and local insecurity [one can easily review the troublesome USA & world news for verification].
What we need and what the entire planet needs are a few people who can and will "do the right thing", which is never easy. And of course who fit the outer image of a popular star since the goal requires mass popularity and most people only look at your exterior or your perceived status. We can realistically offer great fun and great rewards [for yourself and others] in return.
Please deeply consider all of the above and if you think you fit contact us.
[P.S. If you are bored or unsure, Google: "sixth mass extinction" .... and don't forget to add H.Sapiens to the list, thanking ALL the major WMD nuclear-armed players b.t.w.]
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