Moving Sale: IKEA desk, drawers, queen-size mattress. . .etc. in Austin, Texas For Sale
Price: $100
Type: Furniture,
For Sale
- Private.
Hi there,
I am moving out from Austin and would like to sell my furniture:
1. IKEA SULTAN FINNVIK-memory foam mattress (queen size): $100
2. IKEA adjustable birch effect desk (size: 47 ΒΌ x 23 5/8"; height: adjustable between 23 5/8-35 3/8"): $30
3. IKEA Goliat drawer unit on casters: $20
4. Floor lamp (1-light): $10
1. shoe rack (adjustable): $5
2. drying rack (foldable): $5
3. IKEA ADILS desk legs x4: $5
4. Iron & ironing stand (easy for storage: foldable & comes with a hanger): $5
5. Rival 20" Electronic Griddle (portable & like-new): $5
Please contact me and let me know which items you are interested in.
Please also pick up the furniture by yourself.
Thank you!