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>>Candles - Scented Candles, Oil Warmers, Collectibles & More!!!<< in Austin, Texas For Sale

>>Candles - Scented Candles, Oil Warmers, Collectibles & More!!!<<
Price: $8
Type: Furniture, For Sale - Private.

*In Stock & Available Online NOW!!!*
Joyful Elephant Fountain, Amber Crystal ,Crystal Drop Candelabra, Wine Scented Candle
SAVE TIME!!!! Order Online @http://www.candlesandmore.bizSame Day Shipping!!!!
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JOYFUL ELEPHANT FOUNTAIN Every color and gleaming gem reflects the joy of a mother and child at play! Traditional elephant motif fountain brings a vibrant hint of the exotic that enlivens any décor, along with the merry music of cascading water.
Amber Crystal Drop Candelabra Sunset colors dazzle with the warmth of captured light, turning this graceful stand into a blaze of beauty! Artfully fashioned from matte black metal with golden-amber glass candle cups.
Wine Connoisseur Candle A colorful grapevine design wraps around the sides of a clear glass jar, enchantingly lovely when backlit by the included candle?s spellbinding glow. The rich merlot scent adds a refined backdrop to your next special occasion? perfect for a gourmet get-together with family and friends! 7 oz. Burns up to 35 hours.
ANGELIC TRIO OIL WARMER Fill a room with a truly heavenly scent. Three beautiful faux alabaster angels surround a votive candle as it warms your favorite oil in the clear glass dish. A divine bit of daily inspiration!
(Click Images For Details)
*In Stock & Available Online NOW!!!* Joyful Elephant Fountain, Amber Crystal ,Crystal Drop Candelabra, Wine Scented Candle
SAVE TIME!!!! Order Online @ http://www.candlesandmore.bizSame Day Shipping!!!!
New!!! New!!! New!!!!
NEW AROMA BURNING OILS HAVE ARRIVED!!!!! Sandalwood, Ocean Scented, Egyptian Musk Vanilla, Fresh Rain, Belizean Breeze, Patchouli, Lavender, Coconut & Myrrh Selected Oil Warmers $8.95 Decorative Oil Warmers $12.95 (aroma burning oil and tea light candles included) All Scented Candles 30% OFF!! Selected Candle Holders 25% OFF!!! Jeweled Incense Burners 2 For $5 Dollars
SAVE TIME!!!! Order Online @ Same Day Shipping!!!!
JUST ARRIVED IN-STORE!!! 12 New Incense Fragrances!!! Frankincense, Myrrh, Patchouli, Jasmine Sage, Amber, Lavender, Vanilla, Cannabis, Opium, Sandalwood , & Cinnamon
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State: Texas  City: Austin  Category: Furniture
Furniture in Texas for sale

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