parting out 1956 Bel Air - chrome, doors, air cleaner assy, fenders etc in Austin, Texas For Sale
Price: $85
Type: Car parts,
For Sale
- Private.
xxxx Chevrolet Bel Air LISTING:
We only listed two parts:
Air Cleaner Assy listed for $85.00
Fender Frt RH(pass) -> Please see pictures. No moldings outer fender skin only - listed for $400.00
If you need other parts please use the BUYER LISTED PART tool to make offers on anything!!! Down to a strip of chrome.
K & K Motor and Salvage in business since xxxx. We are in a rural area on 75 acres so with lots of room we are able to stock both early and late model vehicles. It is not uncommon to bring in a Late Model Ford Super Duty and a xxxx Chevrolet Monte Carlo all on the same load.